The World Is Snot Enough

Sneezing, sniffling, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever – that’s what the Staton Family has been dealing with lately.  All three of us have been sick and we’ve done nothing but pass it back and forth between each other.  And, of course, with Logan being sick that means he doesn’t sleep well.  Which means Mom and Dad don’t sleep well (or sometimes at all) either.  Finding the usual medications here in the desert is a little difficult too!  You can’t just run down to Walgreens and pick up some Nyquil.  If you want anything stronger than a common pain reliever, you have to go to the pharmacy.  Luckly, many of the types of medicines you need prescriptions for in the states you can easily get OTC here.  That has been helpful with my current prostate infection.  Thankfully it’s on the downswing and I’m feeling better.  You can’t get the name brand medicines you’re used to in the States here in the desert though.  No Tylenol, Nyquil, even the good ole’ Pepto is not found on the UAE’s shelves.  So we just have to explain to the pharmacist what our symptoms are and he’ll recommend something for us.  Which usually isn’t strong enough to do the trick.  Oh well.  We’re all feeling a little better this week though so maybe we’re out of the woods.  Not that there are woods here.  Well, there is an oasis.  And it has lots of trees.  Just not the same though.

I met up with a fellow Expat from NC through the Geocaching website.  He’s planted quite a few caches here in Al Ain, and offered to take me out in his 4×4 to grab some caches we couldn’t get to in the dinky rental car.  So we went out last weekend and made a half day of it.  We hopped the border and “cached” for awhile in Oman.  He even showed me a few wadis that had areas where you could swim.  We saw some guys in their undies swimming there.  Not a pretty site.  All in all, we found 8 caches, which is 4 more than I’ve ever found in one day!  My current total is 31.

My baby boy is amazing.  Logan is 9 months old now.  He has 4 teeth now – two on the top and two on the bottom.  He’s eating big people food now and then as well!  He wants to walk so badly.  He’s in the cruising stage now.  He pulls himself up on the couch, table, anything and then sort of walks along, using his hands for support.  It won’t be long before he’s running all over the place…. and falling all over the place.  At the moment, he’s pushing a chair around the living room.  Weight training I guess.  He also likes to bang on our laptops a little too much, so yesterday we bought him his own computer keyboard.  It was a cheap $10 model and he enjoys banging on it.  I’m just getting him prepared for his future life as a rich computer genius… who is a star athlete, and all the women love him.  Did I mention he pooped all over the floor last week?  The women won’t like that.  We didn’t catch it in time.  He got it on the carpet, his legs, his hands, his mother and his mother’s cell phone.  Luckily, I was out of his poo trajectory.  We rushed him off to the bathroom and cleaned up the little mess maker.  Just thought I’d throw in a poo story.  No stay-at-home-dad blog is complete without it.

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