I’m Allergic to the Desert

Tuesday was a rough day for Roberto.  I woke up early that morning with a bad allergic reaction.  I was sneezing non-stop and my eyes were itchy and watery.  This is common for me.  It happens every now and then, so its something that I’m used to occuring from time to time.  I tried to sleep but starting getting a headache.  Alanna gave me some ibuprofen.  That seemed to help and I went back to sleep for awhile.  I woke up later to take care of Logan while Alanna went to some teacher meetings.  As I sat on the hotel bed eating an apple, my lips started to tingle.  I thought that was a little strange.  I finished off the apple and went to the bathroom to take a look at my lips.  To my suprise, my lips were severely swollen.  I had trouble talking to Logan after that, or even whistling.  I felt fine though.  No shortness of breath, etc.  I checked back an hour later – my lips were bigger and there were puffy swollen bags under my eyes.  Alanna called a few times and I lied to her.  She freaks out about stuff like this and I didn’t want

The Allergic Reaction
The Allergic Reaction

 her to worry.  So I waited for her to get back to the hotel to show her the damage.  The picture here is when Alanna got back.  It really doesn’t do me justice.  It was MUCH worse in person

Alanna came into the room and freaked out a little, then laughed. It was funny after the initial shock.  We both were a little worried though.  We took a quick nap and when we woke up, no real change.  We headed out for dinner, but made a stop by the pharmacy.  The lady there recommended a antihistimine to me.  So we bought that, had some dinner and then went back to the room.  I took the pill and went to bed.  I was still a little swollen this morning when I woke up, but by afternoon I was pretty much back to normal.

Trouble is, we have no idea what could have caused the problem.  All I had that morning to eat was an apple, and my lips were already swelling before that.  I didn’t do anything different, use any different lotion or soap.  Some lady said it could be a bug bite.  Could have been.  I went outside with Logan for a bit that morning to get some fresh air.  Maybe something bit me.   Whatever it was though, there is no permanent damage and everything is back to normal.

In other news, we checked out of hotel today and made the trip to Al Ain, our home town.  We got here in the evening, so I really didn’t get to see much.  I did however see a LOT of big sand dunes on the way though.  This really is the desert.  Al Ain is an oasis though, so it will be pretty nice.  We checked in to ANOTHER 5 Star Hotel, so we’ll being living it up for a while longer.

We’ll  hopefully get out and explore Al Ain tomorrow.  Until then…

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