I love my little man

First and foremost, it has been one year since the birth of my baby boy Logan.  He was born one year ago on May 26th, 2009!  Time really does fly when you have children.  I took the little guy over to have a few hour’s play time with some of the other babies in our complex.  He had such a great time and it was so fun to watch him interact with people his size for a change.  It honestly feels like yesterday that we took him home from the hospital.  That little guy amazes me every day.  He is truly a blessing from God.

Happy 1st Birthday, Logan!

I talk about the heat here a LOT, I know, but it keeps getting hotter.  It now averages about 111 degrees here each day.  At night, it’s still in the 90s.  That makes us not want to do anything outside.  I can see why the malls are so busy here all the time.  People leave their houses and the malls are the only cool place to go hang out.  We’ve been hanging out in the malls a lot too.  We don’t really buy much other than groceries, but just getting out and walking helps to relieve the boredom.  Of course, with the heat, I’ve had to be very selective about which Geocaches I go after.  The ones in the desert will just have to stay hidden!  I’m at 57 (as of tonight) caches found and I want to be at 75 before I leave on July 8th.  Should be doable.

Speaking of malls, we hit up the two biggest ones in Dubai in the last few weeks.  The newest one, the Dubai mall, the world’s largest

Dubai Fountain

mall, opened last year and sits at the bottom of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.  We’ve been to this mall before but never to the Dubai Fountain.  Illuminated by 6,600 lights and 25 colored projectors, it is 275 m (902 ft) long and shoots water 150 m (490 ft) into the air, accompanied by a range of classical to contemporary Arabic and world music.  It was built at a cost of AED 800 million (USD 218 million).  Yeah, I totally copied and pasted that last line from Wikipedia.  It is a really neat fountain though and was fun to watch.  218 Million for a fountain though?  Sheesh!  Last week we went to the Mall of the Emirates.  This mall is about 5 years old, but it’s the famous one with the indoor sky slope inside it.  Yeah, they built a ski slope inside a mall.  It’s a great idea for people over here I guess.  But being an American, I know back home I can drive a few hours and ski on a real mountain.  It’s still pretty darn impressive here though.

Ski Dubai

So here’s a little info about our London trip coming up.  The Staton family originally came over to England from Normandy in 1066 with William the Conqueror.  Back then we were the “Stauntons”.  While in England, we were guardians of a tower (which is now named Staunton Tower) in the famous Belvoir Castle.  Some of my relatives seem to think we were royalty and owned the castle.  While that certainly isn’t true, it’s always been a HUGE goal of mine to go visit “my castle”.  With the vacation to London in July coming up, a side trip of an hour and half north to see the castle was a must.  Trouble is, the castle is closed to tourist in July.  No idea why, but it is.  So I did some emailing.  The castle is also the residence of the Duke of Rutland.  He and his fmaily live in part of the castle; the rest of it and the gardens outside are for tourist.  So I

My Castle

emailed the staff and asked if there was ANY way I could come have a tour since I would only be in England for a short time.  A very nice lady named SallyAnn emailed me back a few days later and said that she wasn’t sure, but she would ask His Grace if it would be possible.  Yeah, I had to get permission from the freggin’ Duke of Rutland.  I thanked her over and over and  last week she emailed me again and said that His Grace, the Duke of Rutland, would be happy for me to come to my… err… his castle.  In fact, they’re giving us a private one and half hour tour of it, and then we’re free to wander the gardens as much as we like.  How cool is that?  Should I mention that it’s technically my castle and that I’m staying?  Probably not.

Play rehearsals are in full swing for my upcoming  production of Hansel and Gretel.  Directing children can sure be a challenge though.  Unlike a classroom environment, I have to work with small groups one at a time, leaving the other kids unsupervised.  Thankfully the room is small and I find ample things for the other kids to do – like LEARN THEIR LINES.  Get this – I’m the writer, director and narrator of the play.  The director part is a given since I’m the teacher.  I had to rewrite the play though so it fit with the number of kids I had.  And I really didn’t have enough kids to fill the role of narrator, and Alanna said no, so I’m doing that as well.  Our performance is June 11th so let’s hope it all comes together!

Now I know I said it’s really too hot to Geocache, but this weekend a group of us are heading to Oman to do just that.  There is a cache there that was placed in 2002, and it’s the oldest cache in the area.  I wanted to get it before we left for the summer.  So a small group of us are heading out bright and early Saturday morning to get it.  Yeah, it will be 100 degrees before 10am, but who cares right???

Alrighty folks, I’ll wrap it up here.  Take care!

More pics –

Logan is modern art.

He's getting SO big!
Logan and his new girlfriend.
The crazy one is on the right.
Enough Said
Now THAT'S a rat tail!

Keeping Busy

Last weekend kept us very busy.  On Friday morning, I hiked/climbed up a mountain to a secret bat cave and hanging gardens.  Friday evening we had a bonfire out in the desert with friends.  Saturday I went to Abu Dhabi to watch the brazilian jiu jitsu world cup and snag a few geocaches.  Here is a detailed review…

Friday Morning

I got up bright and early around 7am and was out the door by the bottom of the hour.  Alanna was nice enough to stay in bed and watch Logan.  I met up with two caching neighbor friends – Darrel and Mimi.  We headed out and crossed the border into Oman.  The drive out took about 15 minutes.  We turned off on a gravel road which continued for another 4kms before we were forced to pull over and park.  There was a large mountain in front of us, and near the top of it we spotted our destination – The Bat Cave.  No, not the one on the outskirts of Gotham.  This one had a Geocache inside.  We could tell it was going to be a long hike so we set off immediately.  The hike/climb was pretty intense.  We scrambled over rocks, sticker bushes and loose sand.  A few times we literally

The Bat Cave

had to climb up hand over hand as there was no other way to get where we were going.  We made frequent stops to drink water and finally an hour half later, we reached the cave.  The views were amazing – inside and out.  There was bat quano all over the inside floor of the cave, but the bats themselves seemed to have abandoned the place.  We took a good while trying to find the geocache, but it was a fruitless search.  Seems to cache was missing from the obvious hole it was placed in.  Oh well, the cave itself was well worth the effort.

After a break, we skirted the side of the mountain and climbed down to the hanging gardens.  This was another neat spot.  There was plants and trees growing out of the side of the mountain, literally “hanging” upside down against the rocks.  You could see where water runs down during rainy times to feed to plants.  Another hidden gem of Oman.  So much more to see there than in the UAE.  If you like nature, that is.

Hanging Gardens

We got lost a few times on the hike down, which took another hour and a half.  We literally had to dodge falling rocks and help each other down over cliffs.  At

Sliding down the mountain

one point, we all had to sit down and slide slowly on our butts because the slope was too steep and slippery.  We all made it down safely though, just a few scrapes here and there.  I really enjoyed the climb.  We drove back home and I took a well deserved shower and nap

Friday Night

After getting reenergized, we prepared for out desert bonfire.  Alanna I had organized it with a group of friends after we found a nice spot in the desert that was 10 minutes from where we live.  We all met outside at 5:45pm to head over.  One small problem though – giant sand storm.  The wind was blowing the sand all over the place and visibility was terrible.  We decided to at least head out to the desert though in hopes that the storm would die down sooner or later.  So our little caravan snaked its way along a sandy road

At the Bonfire

between sand dunes until I decided on a nice spot just off the road.  We climbed over a big dune and found a nice little valley behind it.  We all sort of waited out the sand storm, covering our faces as best we could.  The big dune helped to block the wind and by dark the storm was pretty much done.  I worked out a quick fire (newspaper, lighter fluid and really dry wood make that rather easy) and soon enough we were all relaxing and having a good time.  Some folks brought food and drinks, full meals to cook as well.  It was a fun evening all in all.  Some of the folks stayed overnight to camp, but being weary from out last camping adventure, Alanna, Logan and I were very happy to sleep in our comfy beds.


Leaving Alanna and Logan behind again, I took off Saturday and headed up to Abu Dhabi to watch the 2010 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Cup.  We got there around 5:00pm and stopped off in a very American bowling alley near the sight to eat, then headed over to the outdoor tennis stadium where the fights were being held.  The place was pretty packed – Emiratis on one side, everyone else on the other.  Oh and of course the women got a special place all by themselves to sit if they wanted.  The fights weren’t all that impressive.  I guess I was hoping for more UFC type MMA fighting, but this was only

The tourney

straight BJJ.  There wasn’t even a single tap out.  Everyone won by points.  There was however this giant woman – she had to be 6’4”, 250lbs and practically all muscles.  She literally dominated the poor woman that she was fighting.  I think I saw an adams apple.  Someone needs to do some testing on that one.  Oh, and Sheikh Mohammed was there was well.  And by Sheikh Mohammed I mean

HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces as well as virtually next in line to President of the United Arab Emirates.  Yeah, a big wig.  2nd in command of the country.  He didn’t even have bodyguards.  Well none that I could see anyway.  He is a huge BJJ fan and loves MMA.

The Sheikh

I left the event a little early so I could perhaps grab two geocaches on the way home.  Just outside the stadium was a part where I found a tiny cache under a park bench.  Not more than two blocks away was another tiny cache on the back of a sign in a parking lot.  So two quick caches and I was back on my way home.

The Grand Mosque was close by as well.  Its probably the coolest looking building here in the UAE.  I really want to take a look at it, so the family is going to head up Saturday morning and take a tour.  We’re also gonna go bowling at that American-style alley.  And we’ll get in some geocaches of course.

Counting down – July 8th – London!  July 12th – North Carolina!

Everyday is a Vacation in the UAE

The Staton family has been having a great time during Alanna’s two week vacation from work. Last weekend we hopped the border and spent 4 wonderful days in Oman. We left early Saturday morning from Al Ain and had no trouble crossing the border. It was so early, that when I went inside the border post to get our exit stamps for our passports, then one guy on duty was asleep on the couch!

We headed into Oman and drove through the mountains, coming out a few hours later along the coast at the city of Sohar. We turned south and headed towards our final destination – the city of Muscat. It took us another two hours to get there, but what a pretty area! The mountains kind of just slam into the ocean, creating coves here and there. Soooo pretty. Gorgeous place. Can’t stress that enough! We drove out of Muscat about 20 minutes south to the Oman Dive Centre. Alanna is a diver and really wanted to try the Gulf waters, so she booked us a stay at this quaint little place. It’s nestled up in the mountains away from everything else. You follow the mountain road around until it drops you off into a cove that is completely surrounded by mountains, complete with your own beach and blue water. The resort has huts that you stay in. The pictures we took don’t do them justice. While they were rustic, they were still very nice. You have a porch, and then enter into a large bedroom, and then in the back is an open air bathroom. It also had power and A/C so we didn’t suffer. It wasn’t the most ideal conditions for Logan, but we made it work. Day 1 – Saturday.

We got there around 11am and had some lunch at the local spot. Alanna wanted to a take a refresher dive course to get reacquainted with her dive skills, so she left Logan and me in the hut and headed to the pool for the course around 2:30. I decided to take Logan for a walk, but when I got the door I found out that Alanna had… locked it. The door locks from the outside and inside by a slide bar. She didn’t want the wind blowing the door open on us, so she closed the slider as she left. Which meant Logan and I were trapped inside the hut. I called out for a little while to see if anyone could hear me. Either no one was around or I was too embarrassed by the situation to be loud enough. My only other option would have been to climb out the top of the open air bathroom. I didn’t want to do this and leave Logan inside, just in case I couldn’t get in the door for some reason. So I decided to just wait until Alanna got back, figuring she wouldn’t be gone more than an hour. 3 HOURS LATER – Alanna returned. Logan was pretty miserable by then and needed to get some space. So did I. Alanna felt really bad. I let her feel bad for awhile just because it sucked to be stuck in a hut for 3 hours.

That night we had dinner at the local spot. Breakfast and dinners were included with our hotel stay, both were buffets, and both were GREAT. They had plenty of excellent food and we stuffed ourselves whenever we went. We also explored the beach and I climbed up a mountain to take some pictures of the resort and the water below. Then we headed back and called it a night.

Day 2 – Sunday.

We got up – well Logan woke us up and we headed over to breakfast. We ate outside every time by the way, with a lovely view of the water. After breakfast, we headed out to the beach to get some rays. It didn’t go so well. Logan was just grumpy. It’s not like we can let him just play in the sand, because he’ll eat it. So Alanna had bought a beach tent, hoping we could sit inside that with him so he could play. Well first of all, setting up a beach tent while the wind was blowing was not a pleasant experience for either of us. Secondly, Logan didn’t even want to get inside it. He was just in a bad mood and really didn’t want to do anything but be held. Alanna and I were both pretty frustrated. She took Logan back inside and I laid out on the beach for awhile, and then took a swim in the water. Even in late January, the water is nice in Oman.

We headed to lunch around noon and then Alanna checked to see about her dive. She really wanted to do a night dive, but no one else had signed up Sat or Sun night, and it takes two people to do a night dive. I’m not a diver. I took a small course on our honeymoon, but we didn’t have a chance to go in the ocean because of the weather. And, honestly, it freaks me out a little. I get claustrophobic underwater and it feels weird and makes me nervous to breathe in and out of my mouth without being able to use my nose. Call me a sissy, I don’t care. I prefer SKYdiving, thanks. Alanna finally settled on a 2 tank dive the following morning.

Since I wasn’t going diving, I decided to try kayaking instead. It had been about 10 years since I’d been in one, and never in the ocean, but I did just fine. I paddled out into the cove and then out into the ocean. The only thing bad about it was that I was alone and that got a little boring. I wish Alanna could have gone with me, but having a baby makes you adjust as needed. I did have a good time though. I paddled right up against the mountain walls beside the ocean. There was even a little cave I paddled through that brought me out into another cove! The marine life was amazing. I could paddle right over some coral reefs and watch hundreds, yes hundreds of fish swimming below me, not to mention all the crabs running along the walls of the rocks to get away from me. When I had got back in, the tide had gone back out, leaving about 200 yards of water up to my ankles. I had to pull the kayak through to get back to the dive centre. Not a problem, until I slammed my foot into a rock that was underwater. I knew I had jammed or broken my second toe as soon as it happened. Being a man though, I walked it off and returned the kayak to the dive center.  Turned outs the toe was just bruised I guess.  It turned a few dark shades of purple for awhile, but is healing up fine now.

That afternoon we drove into Old Muscat and a few of the other local tourist areas about 10 minutes north of the dive centre. It was a very historical area, populated since the 1600s by the Omanis, who took it back from the evil Portuguese. There are large towers along the coast which housed cannons to protect the area, built 100s of years ago. We climbed to the top of one and took pictures. We explored a little more and decided we’d come back the next day after Alanna’s dive to visit the local Souq. Dinner was amazing again back at the centre. Then Alanna watched a movie on the laptop and I read a book on the porch for a few hours before turning in for the night.

Day 3 – Monday

Alanna’s dive began at 8:00am, so we got up early, had some breakfast, then Logan and I watched her off as she headed out into the boat with the other brave souls. Logan and I hopped in the car and headed back into town just to kill some time. We walked along the corniche area and just took in the sounds of the harbor in front of us for awhile. A group of female Omani students approached us after a bit and asked us some questions about tourism, how we liked the area, etc. This was surprising because most Muslim women don’t/won’t even talk to men they don’t know. But these teenagers were very nice, spoke great English, and even let me take a picture with them. Over all, it seems like the Omani people are much more welcoming to outsiders than the Emiratis.

Alanna’s dive didn’t go so well. I’m sure you can read about it more detail on her blog (she’s writing it right now), but let’s just say she got a little seasick and tossed her cookies – twice. She was supposed to go on two different dives. The first one went fine, and then between the first and the second she got sick, so she spent the second dive sitting on a little island trying to recover. She got back to the Dive Centre around 1pm, so we ate lunch and then headed back in town to explore the Souq.

Since it was only 3 or 4pm when we got there, the Souq was pretty dead, only half the shops were even open. It was still fun to walk through the area though. Pretty much every single store owner tried to sell us something. We didn’t buy anything though. Then we once again headed back to the dive centre for a wonderful dinner and then spent the rest of the evening relaxing, reading, watching movies.

Day 4 – Tuesday

Tuesday was check out day. We got up and took advantage of the free breakfast, then headed back, packed everything and headed out. We stopped at a local museum on the way out that was closed before. It was pretty boring, but free, so we stopped in for 5 minutes or so. There’s a guard there that stands around… guarding… the place with an M-16. He politely refused my request to take a picture of/with him. The rest of the morning we spent driving home to the UAE. I have to admit that I loved Oman. I found the landscape much more to my liking compared to the UAE, and as I’ve already mentioned, the people were much friendlier. I really wouldn’t mind going back again before we head out for the summer.

Here’s a link to all the photographs from Oman – (You don’t have to be on Facebook to see them.)

Oman Trip Pictures

On Wednesday, we didn’t do much. The maid came that morning and then cleaned our messy house while we went out for lunch. Then I headed to the House of the Arts to teach my drama classes that night. When I got home that night, we watched the season premiere of LOST. Alanna and I are both addicted to the show. We had to download it online, and we had no idea there was a second hour. So we watched the first and thought that was it. Alanna’s Dad started talking about stuff we hadn’t heard of when we Skyped with him the next day, so we figured out our problem and watched the second half on Thursday night. Great show! Also on Thursday we visited the Al Ain Oasis. It’s really the only reason there’s a city here. A BIG source of water in the middle of a dry desert is a perfect spot to build a city around. The oasis is a huge walled in enclosure with thousands and palm trees and ancient irrigation techniques that tap into the water underground. The actual area was just ok. Nothing special to go through, but a must see if you’re coming through Al Ain.

Today we got up early and headed back to the Al Ain zoo, which we first visited in the fall. They have a white lion exhibit and we were excited to go see it. In the fall, we went at night. It was WAY too crowded, and because it was dark, all the animals were hard to see or asleep. Today was perfect though. It was a little overcast, had a nice breeze, and practically no one was there when we arrived at 11am. We got lots of nice pictures of the animals and got a chance to talk to a zoologist from the San Diego zoo. She was sitting in front of the white lion enclosure. She was nice enough to answer all our questions. We found out that the white lions are not albino, but are exactly like normal lions. They have a recessive gene that makes them white. There really aren’t any in the wild, but she did say they were trying to work them back in by breeding them. All in all, a much better visit than last time.

Zoo pics

Alanna has one more week off before she returns to work, so I’m sure we’ll have more adventures next week. Oh, and we might spend a little bit of time in London before we head back to the States this summer. SWEET.

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