Lazy Friday

I’m blogging again today so I can get caught up.

Today was the holy day here for Muslims.  I really didn’t notice much of a difference though.  As I said in the last blog, we didn’t get to sleep until 4am.  Not wanting to miss that good FREE breakfast, we got up at 9am and went down to eat, then came back and slept to 2pm.  We’re working hard to get ourselves (mainly Logan) back on a normal sleeping schedule, but its tough.

We went over to the mall again and had lunch.  For lunch today we had McDonalds.  I had a Quarter Pounder Meal.  The burger tasted like a steak burger.  Like everything else – different, but not bad.  The fries were the same though as was the Coke.  After lunch, Alanna took Logan back to the room and she let me stay and see a movie.  I wanted to see GI Joe because the 80s cartoon version and the Hasbro action figures were a big thing during my childhood.  The cinema experience here was pretty neat.  You buy your ticket at the window like normal, then they turn the computer monitor around which gives you a seating chart.  You actually pick the seat you will be sitting in, and that seat’s ticket is printed for you.  I skipped on the movie drink and popcorn (rare for me) since I’d just had Mickey Ds.  When I made it into the theater, a worker took a look at my ticket, then used his flashlight beam to point my seat out.  I saw a new Jean Claude Van Damm and a Dolph Lundren preview.  Guessing those won’t be making it to the American cinemas.  GI Joe was better than I thought it was going to be.  It had lots of neat special effects.  They also slipped in quite a few 80s references that made me laugh.  I was the only one laughing though.  Everyone else in the theater was quiet the whole time. 

I left the movies, went back the the room and grabbed the honey and kid.  We went back to the mall and ate dinner, Subway this time.  My Subway Club has “turkey ham” since they don’t do pork.  We then made our way to the very bottom where they have a grocery store.  It was SO CROWDED.  Its kind of a Walmart, with clothes and stuff on one level and then groceries on the bottom level.  We bought a few items – diapers, 6 pack of Pepsi, baby wipes, all of which were cheaper than you could get them in the US.

Now we’re back in the room, hoping and praying to get Logan to go to bed early!  Wish us luck!

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