Movies, TV and Football

Last week is come and gone and I’m already well into babysitting this week.  Logan takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back every day.  Not literally.  He won’t walk for another 5 months probably.  Oh, he turned 4 months old a few days ago.  There’s another 4 month old baby here in the hotel.  Logan is twice as big as that baby.  He is a monster.  He’s such a cutie though!

I was pretty much sick every day last week.  Not sick sick, just allergy sick.  We finally decided to go the hospital to get checked out.  (They don’t have family practices here, so everyone goes to the hospital)  The hospital experience was, in a word,  nightmare.  Some background  – I am deathly afraid of hospitals.  I always have been.  It started when I was little and only got worse as I got older.  Even if I’m just going to visit someone there I get a little freaked out.  I also think I have that whole “I’m a man and I don’t need to go to the doctor/hospital” thing going on too.  It got much worse at the end of college.  I had kidney stones for the first time, and not knowing what they were, I went to the emergency room and stayed over night for observations.  The next morning they wheeled me down on the bed to get x-rays.  They left me in a hallway outside the x-ray room for 20 minutes.  Beside me in the hall was an old woman on a bed who was screaming in pain and saying she couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to die.  I had to listen to that for 20 minutes.  Still haven’t gotten over it. 

Wow… I rent on a rant there.  Anyway… the hospital.  We get  there and go to the front desk.  We tell them my symptoms and the girl there says we should go see the allergist.  We go up the 2nd floor, check in there, and then wait about 15 minutes.  Not a bad wait time, kind of like in the States.  We go back to a small office room with a doctor and he asks what my symptoms are – sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, etc.  He looks confused and ask if I have skin problems, because he is a dermatologist and doesn’t deal with my type of allergies.  Well, he tells us to go back to the desk and ask for a general doctor.And of course, the regular doctor can’t see me today.  They tell us to make an appointment, which the earliest was the next afternoon at 5:30.  Being the stubborn man that I am, of course I didn’t go back  the next day.  Fortunately, one of Alanna’s teacher friends had a husband who is a doctor.  He actually stopped by my room, listened to my breathing, ran some tests and told me there was nothing serious to worry about.  So that made me feel better.  The beginning of this week has actually been better.  I’ve had no serious attacks, just lots of coughing.  I can’t wait to get out of the hotel!  We heard we’re getting our keys this week.  I won’t hold my breath.

I watched the season premieres of Smallville, Heroes and watched 2 movies at the cinema in the last week!  I downloaded the TV shows.  Smallville was pretty good, much better than how last season ended.  Heroes was… heroes.  I still think they have too many characters.  Its just confusing following that many plot lines every week.  Zachory Quinto is the man though.   I also saw Inglorious Basterds at the movies.  Very good movie.  I’ve never really enjoyed Tarantino movies.  They’re normally too violent for no reason whatever.  Inglorious Basterds did have some very graphic violence, but it fit in with the movie so it wasn’t too bad.  I hate Brad Pitt.  Its not fair to be THAT good looking and THAT talented.  He was hilarious in the picture.  Saturday night was date night.  We dropped the little man off with a babysitter and again went to the movies.  We saw a romantic comedy – The Ugly Truth.  It was pretty good as well.  It had a good bit of comedy and less sappy stuff so that made me like it more.  It was just nice to have some adult time with my wife.  It was nice just to hold her hand and be on a normal date for a change. 

Did I mention I can’t watch American Football here?  I can sort of find it sometimes on the web, but its small, blurry, skips and is on way too late at night.  Boo.

I also had my first rehearsal with the kids from House of the Arts.  We’re doing a short musical program in October.  I worked with them, throwing in a little drama and some dancing.  It was really fun.  I can’t wait to do more stuff with them this week.

OK, Logan is crying and Alanna is giving me… the look.  Take care, all!  Pics next time!

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