Happy Birthday, Alanna!

It is past midnight here in the UAE, so that means its January 19, or as everyone else calls it… Alanna Staton’s birthday.  She’s sleeping now, with Logan tucked in by her side.  Tomorrow she’s heading to the spa to get all girlied up.  I have no idea what that means, but it involves getting your hair done/cut, manicures, pedicures, massages and whatn0t.  The lady deserves more than that, but hopefully she’ll enjoy it.  Then we’ll top it off with some dinner.  So Happy Birthday to the most special woman in the whole world.

I haven’t blogged much lately.  Yes, I’ve had time.  Guess I’m just lazy.  Not too much going on here in the desert though.  We made it through the holidays and now we’re back to the regular routine.  Logan and I both got a bad case of the flu a few weeks ago.  It lingered for over a week and really had me sidelined for two weekends.  Alanna took care of both her babies.  And I am really a baby when I’m sick.  I guess wives have to be moms to their kids and their hubbys sometimes.

Logan Update – He changes every week.  He’s growing up way too fast.  He finally has his first tooth poking through.  Its the one of the middle bottoms.  Let me tell you… it hurts if he bites you.  I read you can rub you finger over their gums to help relieve the pain of teething.  I was trying that last week and he chomped down on my finger, biting right through my skin and made me bleed!  So now I’m a little more careful.  Logan is also mobile.  When I say mobile.. I mean he’s crawling all over the place.  Its not a full crawl all the time though.  Sometimes, he just kind of scoot/scrawls, sliding his legs behind him.  Very cute I must say.  What a blessing this little boy is turning out to be!  And I’m so thankful for him.

Let’s see… Entertainment next?  Saw Avatar.  Liked it, didn’t love the story.  Don’t think it deserved a Golden Globe.  Saw Sherlock Holmes.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I really thought. from seeing the trailers, it would be an action yawn, but it was witty, funny and downright enjoyable.  In the video game department, I’m playing WoW most nights after the Alanna and Logan go to bed.  Its a nice, geeky hobby.  My account got hacked last week though.  The thieves took all my gear, gold, and even stole stuff from the guild bank.  Then they transfered my main to a different server!  My good buddy Jeff quickly figured out the problem and let me know, so I changed the password to stop them from doing further damage.  After a few emails and in game requests to Blizzard (parent company of WoW), I was able to get all my stuff back within just a few days.  So now all is well in the world of Azeroth.  Yes, I’m a geek.  Hmm… books?  Yes.  I’ve been reading Steve Berry’s Cotton Malone series.  Sort of like Dan Brown’s works – good historical based “what if” fiction.  I’m on the third of the series.  Good stuff.  Did that cover all of entertainment?  Oh… no it didn’t.  Sports – the Superbowl is coming up.  I’m picking the Saints vs. Colts, with the Colts winning.  I believe the game will start at about 3:30am here.  So I’m gonna try to go to bed really early that night, then hopefully get up and watch it.  In other TV stuff – LOST and Smallville return in a few more weeks!  Ok, enterainment – check.

Alanna’s big break (Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas, so they have a two week break near the end of January for something or other) is coming up soon.  We’re gonna spend the first part of it in the neighboring country of Oman.  Alanna is gonna do some night scuba diving and I’m gonna… lie around on the beach doing nothing.  I’m really good at that you know.  Hopefully we’ll get a chance to do some touristy stuff there as well.  I enjoy the sightseeing, etc.   We may slip into Dubai once over break as well.  There’s just so much to do there.  If I can just calm Alanna down around all the traffic, then we’ll be just fine.  I do so want to go inside the world’s tallest building now that its open.

Ok, short and sweet and I’m out.  I’ll let you know how Oman goes next time!

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