Feelin’ Hot Hot Hot!

The temperature here is over 100 every day now. And it’s April. Lovely. It’s still decently cool in the evenings though so at least I have that on my side. Soon enough though the temps won’t get down under 90 at night either. Crazy, hot, sticky desert.

The weekend was GREAT. Alanna and I had a date night. That means no Logan. I love the little guy and all, but Mommy and Daddy need some time away too. Working in “the arts” has some perks now and then. I scored some free tickets to see a workshop and performance by Wynton Marsalis. I’ll be honest – I knew he was a trumpet player and has a brother named Brandford, that’s about it. I figured it would be an entertaining time nonetheless. Wow. Can I go on record? Best concert ever. The guy was amazing. We got there early. It was a small theatre with a tiny stage. We were in thee 5th row dead center. Show time rolls around and Marsalis along with his band come out on stage. For the first 45 minutes or so, they did this amazing little workshop. Wynton talked about Jazz, the different elements of it such as improve, collective improve, call and reply, etc. As he explained each topic, he would then have the band play if for us. It was so a cool experience to have someone that talented talk and teach so passionately about something he obviously loves. They took a 20 minute break, then came back and played a concert for about an hour. Amazing stuff. New Orleans Jazz music rocks! Wynton Marsalis and his band are amazing. I can now say I am a huge jazz fan.

I found out that there was a new Geocache placed in my area earlier in the week and it hadn’t been found by Friday morning. I was excited. Cachers pride themselves on being FTF – First To Find. So I headed out at 6:30 in the morning all alone (Alanna wimped out and stayed in bed). The cache was over the border in Oman, but only about a 20 minute drive from my place. I took a long winding dirt/gravel road until the wimpy car wouldn’t dare go any further. I had to walk the last 2.5kms, which at 7am wasn’t such a bad thing. I found the cache quickly enough once I got there, did my business and then took some pics. The cache is located next to a lovely, out of the way Wadi.

Wadi – Riverbed in the Middle East, that can be dry or full of running water depending on the season and how much rainfall it gets.

There was a expat family camping at one end of the wadi, so I headed up the other direction, taking some pics of wild flowers, a natural land bridge, and a few other cool nature shots. After a rest break I hiked back to the car and was home before 10am. I normally don’t even like getting out of bed before 10am. Good times though!

Logan has been on and off sick for awhile now AND pulling on his ears so we caved in, thinking it an ear infection, and took him to the doctor. You all know my fears of doctors and hospitals. Today was great though. A very nice doctor saw us immediately, checked Logan out thoroughly, then prescribed some drugs for us and we were on our way. Total time in the hospital – 30 minutes. Total Cost for the visit and the drugs – about 12USD. Nice! Turns out the little guy does NOT have an ear infection, just a nagging cold.

I’ve been working on a short children’s play for my drama kids to present in Mid June. I got an idea from the web and basically rewrote the whole thing. We’re even bringing in the youth choir to sing songs during the play. It will be a blast to put on a full production!

And lastly…

A special thanks to Google Earth. I have this lovely image of a What-A-Burger with cheese and a Sun Drop stuck in my brain. Mmmmm….

Take care, all!

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